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How much is bone shibaswap (bone) in USD?

The daily exchange rate of Bone ShibaSwap (BONE) to USD fluctuated between a high of $0.669460 on Tuesday and a low of $0.608741 on Monday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of BONE in USD had the largest 24-hour price movement on Tuesday (2 days ago) by $0.060719 ( 10.0% ).

Is bone shibaswap (bone) outperforming other cryptocurrencies?

With a price increase of 8.00% in the last 7 days, Bone ShibaSwap (BONE) is outperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is down -2.70%, while underperforming when compared to similar Ethereum Ecosystem cryptocurrencies which are up 12.70%.

What is shibaswap & how does it work?

SHIB, LEASH, and BONE, come together to create ShibaSwap, the next evolution in DeFi platforms. ShibaSwap gives users the ability to DIG (provide liquidity), BURY (stake), and SWAP tokens to gain WOOF Returns through our sophisticated and innovative passive income reward system.

What is Shiba Inu (Shib) & Doge killer (leash)?

BONE is the Ethereum -based token in the Shiba ecosystem, including Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Doge Killer (LEASH) tokens. According to the Shiba Inu website, SHIB is the " Dogecoin (DOGE) killer." Due to its popularity, the project is the second-largest dog-inspired memecoin in the crypto space.

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